Thursday, February 19, 2009

Little Ironies : Taximan

I have read the story 'Taximan' in School and must say that what the taximan says are not totally true but some parts are true. However, when he says that most teenager girls have embarrassing and atrocious behavior nowadays, that is not true as Singapore citizens are not mostly like that. However and sadly, I cannot deny that there are a few exceptions.

I also feel that the way he handled his daughter when he found out what she had been doing is wrong. He should sit down and have a proper talk with her as to why she had done that and explain to her why there was a need of punishment and carry out the punishment and not carry out such a violent act causing their relationship to be strained and his daughter becoming more rebellious instead. This has no good at all.

This is my view on the taximan story in the Little Ironies Of Singapore.

1 comment:

lyrasilvertongue said...

nice entry!! post more though!!