Saturday, March 13, 2010

Last Day of school

Yesterday was the last day of school for term 1 signaling the start of the March holidays! The main difference between term 1 and term 2 was the adding of the Malay and thinking subject and the removal of Music.

To be honest, when I first joined Hwa Chong in secondary 1, I was stunned. There was a hugely drastic change between Primary 6 and Secondary 1. Everything seemed much more difficult. I suddenly felt as if I had to decide everything myself and I had to get everything I wanted unlike in primary 6 where everything you wanted was given to you. The most obvious change, is of course, the sheer size of the compound of the school. My primary school, being Ai Tong School, with no secondary school, the compound was very small. Therefore, when I first came into Hwa Chong, I often got lost. My bad sense of direction was not really helping either.

However, after 1 year, I have finally sort of got used to it. I finally know my way around Hwa Chong and am starting to get use to the learning methods and understand that we are expected to study independently. I hope that my results would improve together with this!

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