Monday, March 1, 2010

Lingustic 4.

Good afternoon students of Hwa Chong Institution,

I am Jem Finch, the son of Atticus. I am here today to give my point of view on why I think Maycomb is a good or bad place.
I think Maycomb, like all other places, has bad points and good points. I will start by sharing the good points. In this small town Maycomb, everybody knows everybody. However, I would like to emphasise on 2 particular people which gives me great courage. They are Atticus and Mrs Dubose. Atticus, being my father, is definitely my greatest influence. I am sure everyone would agree that he is a very brave person. He is the only person in Maycomb who dares to protect and stand up for an innocent, helpful black man, Mr. Tom Robinson. Another incident is when there was the mad dog, Tim Johnson. Everyone suspected that the dog had rabis and nobody dared to approach it. However, Atticus approached it and shot it with a rifle.
Mrs Dubose is another person that I really respect. She has shown great courage especially in the last part of her life. Due to her medical condition, she was going through extreme pain and had to resort to Morphine. When Atticus knew of this, he made use of the incident where I destroyed her flowers to give her reading sessions as a punishment. What I did not know is that Atticus was actually doing this to prolong the time that Mrs Dubose needed to take Morphine to ease her pain.
However, there are some pad points for staying. For example, there is great discrimination in Maycomb. They all discriminate blacks which I feel is a very cruel thing to do.

Thank you

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