Thursday, March 11, 2010

Sabbatical Week - Science Center Visit

Yesterday, we went to the Singapore Science Center for more information about electricity and also a live, actual performance. Before I even go into detail, the experience was simply ecstatic.

When we reached there, we were given an hour to tour freely. We went to the different exhibits. Honestly, the Science Center's exhibits are quite boring except for a few after you go there for more than 7 times. However, there a few minor new exhibits here and there. For example, the staircase is lined with pictures with optical illusions which do not get boring even after looking at it several times. The optical illusions make the pictures seem like they move, rotate and do other things which is not actually happen.

We had 2 shows at the Science Center. The first was on sound energies. It was obviously meant for kids that were aged from 6 to 8 seeing that the room was filled mostly with toddlers. Therefore the show, as expected, was quite childish. The 2 presenters were getting quite annoying and we were laughing. However, there was some use in watching the show. Their second last presentation was helium. One of them actually sucked in the helium gas and his voice was very amusing. Their last performance was even more amusing. They had a special equipment which they lighted with fire. When sound energy was pushed through the pipe, the fire would 'dance' like those you see in music machines. The fire actually moved together with the beats. It was amazing!

However, the main attraction was the final show. They had an electrical machine known as a van de graff generator creating out 4 million volts of electricity which actually exploded the ballons placed beside it, literally into a ball of flames. It was really shocking!

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